Why do we spend so much time discussing the color of the Band-Aid and so little time discussing the depth of the wound? (A metaphor: The wound is healthcare; the Band-Aid is health insurance.) We discuss the details of competing health care plans from Republicans and Democrats, but we spend almost no time on the […]

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Human beings protect other human beings, in no small part because we taking-care-of people will one day be we-need-help people. But does a take-care-of-others rule have limits? It appears it does, and it seems to be a slight disagreement over the word “neighbor.” Circa 1970 with the Viet Nam war playing in the background, I […]

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Things change. My record player gave way to an 8-track tape player circa 1971; my 8-tracks gave way to cassettes circa 1977. In the early 1990s, I switched to CDs and cursed the fact that my entire music library had to be replaced again. Now, thanks to the Internet, I don’t need a music player […]

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Somewhere along the way, “funding for education” became synonymous with “giving money to other people.” Public education became a charity, a thing we do for those poor kids who can’t otherwise afford school. Somewhere along the way, we forgot how important a strong public education system is to the future of America. We treat public […]

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