Some people game “the system.” Someone, somewhere collects unemployment or food stamps or surplus cheese that doesn’t deserve it. Now and again, one of them gets caught, their story goes viral, and an entire welfare program is condemned. The victims: The people who really need help. We have three choices: Stop all government programs that […]

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We love our villains. In movies, it’s sweet stuff when a hail of bullets riddles a drug kingpin, an abusive mother gets her what-for, or an evil queen evaporates in a fiery plume of green fire. We want pure evil to suffer a painful death. Unfortunately, true villains – completely one-dimensional, evil-to-the-bone, dog-kicking ones – […]

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The whole “Happy Holidays” versus “Merry Christmas” debate boils down to one question: Is it OK to say “Merry Christmas” to a non-Christian? Businesses banning “Merry Christmas” don’t do it to insult the speaker – they push “Happy Holidays” to show compassion for the listener. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Okay […]

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People stereotype people all the time. That’s okay. The next step is more important: What do they do with that stereotype? Imagine a party. One thirty-something man wears a blue suit and red tie. An Asian twenty-something woman sports a headband and 1960s bellbottoms. An older white guy wears black leather and carries a motorcycle […]

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When did we become our parents? Not the responsible-and-mature part – the let’s-criticize-the-younger-generation part. Articles about a “self-centered younger generation” have been a staple our entire lives. How can we repeat the same thing without seeing any irony? “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and […]

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